Santa Barbara Sunsets

Hello friends, it’s Lalo again! I was out on the edge of a cliff yesterday watching the sun set, but I had forgotten my phone which was a bummer. And i thought to myself, I have a sunset picture from a little while ago from this same spot! I can possibly use that for a new blog post! Just with two other pics. Now none of these pictures are recent but still would like to share them with you. image The next picture was taken when I was with my family taking a walk down the shore towards east beach. It had a crazy cool look to it and i just HAD to snap a picture! I took it on on the app Snapchat so my friends on there can also see it. image (1) Tell me not, that looks pretty amazing. The last picture i took was a few weeks ago when i went on a hike with my sister and my dad, We were out in Carpinteria going towards Summerland, it was a long hike but it was definitely worth it. Then on the way back down, we decided to go watch the sun set, we were all tired of course so just sat there on the sun, took some pictures, and relaxed. That was a day well spent. Well i’ll see you guys next time! sunset

Bad grinding day

fallfall#2 Well yesterday was a good skateboarding day overall, but a terrible grinding day. I had many hard falls but these 2 pictures up top had to be the hardest I’ve had in a long while. At first, i tried the grind, and landed it second try. I was stoked about it cause it was something new, so i decided to get it on video. I had no luck what so ever, i kept failing and retrying but i just couldn’t get it. The first fall I had was slipping slipping out of a crook grind. On the way down to the ground, i lost my balance and tripped on my board and the outcome of that was me back peddling, falling and hitting my back on a planter. It hurt at the moment but the pain quickly went away. The second picture was my back wheels and truck getting stuck on the wood of a bench so i went flying forward, gladly, i caught myself. But i must admit, it was a great skate day with my close friends.shred

Sundays are always fun days

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Sundays are always fun days, well most of the time. I woke up early to a gorgeous sunrise in beautiful Santa Barbara, the picture was taken off a cliff that gives a great view of the ocean. I  stayed over at my buddy Chase’s house to have a good time because we haven’t hung out in a long time, we both agreed on going to the skate park and skating other parts of the city, the trick i’m doing in the pic is a crook grind. It’s one of my favorite grinds to do. After the park we had some things in mind to do for the rest of the day. We both knew that we enjoyed lots of sports so we headed out to Washington Elementary  to play some basketball, cause you know.. Ball Is Life ! We had an amazing time, we got to see the sun set, got to catch up on things that we’ve gone through, and even had a great dinner at California Pizza Kitchen with our parents, i wasn’t able to get any pictures of that, sadly. But overall, it was a great way to end the weekend!

boring day to a great evening

imageimage (1) image (2)It was a beautiful sunny day in Santa Barbara on a Saturday afternoon. My brother Rudy and I were home alone with nothing to do. We were tired and completely out of it, He suddenly started thinking of things to do, an idea came to his mind that we should go on a hike to Tangerine Falls. I loved the idea! We decided to call some family members and ask if they would like to join. We were able  to bring along our mom and two cousins. We had a great time, took some pictures, got wet with the water flowing down the large rocks, and even grubbed a bit. after the hike, we were even more tired but my brother had lots of energy. I realized that i haven’t played much soccer in a while, so we hit up a few friends and joined us to play at La Colina Jr. High. As always, we had lots of fun and we all decided to watch some funny movies at our house with everyone. That’s how a terrible day ends in an amazing way, at least in my opinion ! Remember guys, not all bad days end the way they start. (: